1. Definitions

In these Terms & Conditions, the following terms in the following meaning are used, unless it has been differently indicated explicitly or becomes clear from the context:
a. Waterfilterplaza: the issuer of these Terms & Conditions: AI Quality Services, registered at the chamber of commerce, registration number 17149080
b. customer/consumer: every natural or legal person with whom Waterfilterplaza contracts an agreement;
c. agreement: the agreement between the consumer and Waterfilterplaza
d. Internet site: the Internet site www.Waterfilterplaza

2. Relevance

These conditions apply on all our offers and tenders, and on all agreements which we contract with consumers and counterparts, when the customer has accepted the appliance of this during the order process.

3. Effectuation of the agreement

The agreement to buy and sell comes about at the moment of acceptance by the consumer of the offer and meeting thereby the put conditions. All have our tenders, unless explicitly differently indicated, a validity of 1 calendar month. An agreement comes about if within the set period the tender is accepted and we proceed to supply. Outside this set period we preserve the right to the order among other things provide conditions then in the tender mentioned.

4. Supply

We strive to provide the product the delivery period called within. Appearance will be provided the product within 14 days after order. When this not possible (order temporarily on stock) or another reason delay is not, or an order cannot be carried out or only partially, then you receive within 14 days after seating of the order reported and have you that case the right the order without costing to cancel. Supply will post occur by means of TNT or DHL. We guess to provided goods the immediately after reception to inspect and thereby appeared communicate lacks in writing directly.

5. Product Specifications

Specifications, prices and images have been introduced this way precise possible. Prices are always with reservation. Images and specifications can deviate from reality.

6. Defects and Complaints

The customer must directly at supply goods on visible check lacks, and communicate these directly. If the provided products deviate at this control from the agreement have to the customer the right the provided matter directly retour, send unless the deviation is, according to Waterfilterplaza, of the agreement this way small that this does not justify the refusal accept the matter. Sending occurs at the expense of the customer and by our data tasks are considered as by a customer granted tasks to sending. The customer will offer us at any time a possible lack to the occasion to repair. The customer loses all rights and powers which him stood at on the basis of a lack if he has not complained within above the mentioned periods and in above the mentioned manner and/or he us in the occasion have not put a lack of repairing.

7. Return policy

Concerning returning products Waterfilterplaza distinctsstock Article and Custom Article which have been ordered especially for you. Custom ordered Article Waterfilterplaza is never retour taken. stock Article are possible in principle retour, yet to this is cost linked which come entirely at the expense of the customer. Return notifications of products must be communicated within 7 days to Waterfilterplaza. Afterwards its retourzendingen/reports no longer possible. Possible damage which arises during the retourzenden is for account and justification of the customer.

Additionally, Waterfilterplaza exclusively retourzendingen of product and/or products need accept if:

- the product and/or the products has not been achieved in accordance with specifications of the purchaser
- the product and/or the products entirely complete is
- in the original packing and in original state is
- the product and/or the products unused is
- the product and/or the products clean is
- has not built in the product and/or the products and/or has not been or in any way is assembled and/or has been, associated assembly material insofar, entirely present applies, and are themselves in original packing, which applies also to the original guides and provided accessories.

8. Guarantee

On by our provided matter a guarantee period is always given. The guarantee period is variable by mark and product. The period of the guarantee will be however never longer than the guarantee which is given by our supplier c.q the manufacturer of the matter. On by or on behalf of us performed repairing activities no guarantee is given. On the guarantee provision applies notwithstanding the rights and progress which the law grants to the purchaser.

9. Prices

All prices are stated including Dutch VAT 21%. Obvious type errors reserved. If the price increases by an obvious typo, the consumer is entitled to cancel the agreement free of charge.

10. Payment

Payments in advance must be satisfied in entirely, then the order will be handled. Payment must on by Waterfilterplaza given accountnumber, within 8 days after date of invoice, occur unless it is provided there by payment in advance or under rembours, or explicitly written differently has corresponded. When after 8 days the invoice has been satisfied not yet entirely, is considered this as staff absence to the consumer. The consumer is as from the moment of in staff absence steps concerning opeisbare the amount an interest chargeable of the legal interest per month, where a part of a month for a full month is counted. In case of staff absence of the consumer concerning complying with its obligations, coming all judicial and extrajudicial costs for acquisition of satisfaction, as well as perceptible higher costs, which were reasonably necessary, at the expense of the consumer. The payments done by the consumer to stretch always in the first place of all chargeable interest and costs, and in the Second place of opeisbare invoices which are open longest, even already mentions the consumer that the voldoening is related to a later invoice.

11. Property reservation

Goods provided by Waterfilterplaza remain property until complete payment of all geleverde/te provides goods as well as possible costs have been satisfied made for activities or transport of this, by the consumer. Goods of which Waterfilterplaza has remained in pursuance of the property reservation owner can be resold by the consumer as far as this is within the normal management usual. The consumer is not competent pledge goods or on this some right establish. In the event that the consumer is obligations does not comply with or when there a founded reason exists that he will not do this within the set period Waterfilterplaza the right to unhindered access to goods has and already now obliges himself the consumer to all collaboration, under penalty of a fine of ? 450, per day, to put Waterfilterplaza able to exercise the property reservation.

12. Applicable law

To every agreement between Waterfilterplaza and the consumer applies Dutch law.

13. Supremacy

In case of supremacy salesman has not been loved to compensation as a result, damage arisen at the purchaser, subject to will have had and as far as as a result of the supremacy situation an advantage has had salesman that he at correct compliance.

14. Disputes

It can occur that you are not satisfied concerning a product and/or service. You take then as soon as possible contact with us, kindest by e-mail. At the latest within 14 days we will react to your complaint. The preceeding leaves unimpeded the right to present a dispute to the competent judge.

15. Trial period

To all products, a legally fixed trial period applies. This trial period is 7 working days after supply. The customer within this period then is possible that decides return Article without additional costs. Goods to have in this case unharmed be and original packing have. To observe we at reception of goods that is not returned these in accordance with the above requirements, then we will collect still the invoice amount. During this period the customer will handle carefully the product and packing. He the product only in that degree unpack or use insofar necessary is be able assess if he wishes preserve the product. If he uses if of its right to reclamate, he the product with all provided belonging to toebehoren reasonably possible - in original packing to the entrepreneur to return, the instructions supplied in accordance with by the entrepreneur. The shipping costs of returns are at the expense of the purchaser. At payment in advance Waterfilterplaza the purchase amount will pay back within 30 days to the purchaser, including the paid costs of sending.

16. Modification of the conditions

Waterfilterplaza is allowed to modify or adapt the terms&conditions. Always the version of the general conditions applies such as that applied at the time of the effectuation of the agreement, unless the purchaser has accepted a revised version of the general conditions after closing the agreement.

In case of differences between this English version of the Terms & Conditions and the Dutch version, the Dutch version will prevail.

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